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  The research archive of Gary W. Ewer regarding the history of the daguerreotype

On this day (January 1) in the year 1853, the following advertisements appeared in the "Illustrated News" (New York; Vol. I, No. 1): __________________________________________________________________ DAGUERREOTYPES. __________________________________________________________________ H. R. M A R K S' P R E M I U M D A G U E R R E A N GALLERY, No. 159 Baltimore-street, having twice been awarded the HIGHEST PREMIUM by the Maryland Institute, for the eminent superiority of his Pictures, Mr. Marks can confidently assure all who want an accurate Likeness, combining every requisite of a finished work of art, that they can get it at his Gallery. Mr. M. has also the satisfaction of announcing that he has recently added to his collection a complete DAGUERREAN VIEW OF THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO, taken by himself, and likeness of SEVENTEEN JAPANESE MARINERS, who were picked up in distress off the coast of Japan, and brought into San Francisco, whence they were sent home on board an Ameri- can sloop-of-war. Likenesses taken in any weather. Satisfaction guarantied in all cases. ------------------------------------------------------------------- G U R N E Y'S N E W A N D M A G N I F I C E N T DAGUERREAN GALLERY, 349 Broadway, Mr. Gurney's Pictures received the highest premium, a Gold Medal, at the late Fair of the American Institute. The report of the Premium Committee on his pictures read thus:--"They are the best Daguerreotypes that have ever been exhibited, and show by their distinct outline, clearness of light and shodow, rotundity and relief, the perfect state to which the Daguerrean Art has arrived in this countrty." The largest collection of Portraits of Distinguished Personages in this country, can be seen at this Gallery, together with over Three Hundred Daguerreotype Views, on large size plates, of California, consisting of all the principal Cities, Towns, Bays, Rivers, Shipping, Gold Regions, &c.&c. Admittance free. -------------------------------------------------------------------- R O O T'S P R E M I U M D A G U E R R E O T Y P E GALLERY, 363 Broadway. TWELVE PRIZES AWARDED: Gold and Silver Medals. Pictures equally as well taken in cloudy weather. -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Music hath charms," A N D M A D A M E S O N T A G is all that is cheering in Music; but there is nothing which can soothe the rugged paths of affliction more exquisitely than the extraordinarily fine Daguerreotypes taken by RICHMOND J. HAWKINS, a 308 Broadway, New York. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 01-01-96

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