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  The research archive of Gary W. Ewer regarding the history of the daguerreotype

On this day (February 5) the following advertisements appeared in the following newspapers: ------------------------------- In the 1853 "American Courier" (Philadelphia; Vol. 22, No. 49): D A G U E R R E O T Y P E S ! Would you keep those priceless treasures, Memories of long-vanished pleasures; And preserve for your beholding Forms and faces long since moulding; ROOT can trace, with brief endeavor, FACE AND FORM THAT LAST FOR EVER. A TRUTHFUL, LIFE-LIKE, FINELY-FINISHED PORTRAIT OR MINIATURE of a relative or friend, severed from us by distance or death, who would not prize and desire to possess? A clear, rich-toned, durable DA- GUERREOTYPE is an object rarely seen. But ROOT'S PICTURES withstand the test of time. They have re- ceived TWELVE PRIZE MEDALS, and are pronounced by the highest authority unsurpassed on either side the Atlantic! Family Groups, Single Portraits or Miniatures set in tasteful Frames, beautiful Cases, Lockets, Medallions, Rings, &c., &c., are taken by M. A. ROOT, 140 CHEST- NUT Street, below Fifth, at the briefest notice, and are warranted to please. STRANGERS and CITIZENS are cordially invited to call and examine specimens. OBSERVE THE NUM- BER--140! sep 18 tf * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In the 1850 "New York Herald" (No. 5721): THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAITS, at No. 251 Broadway, established by Mr. Plumbe in 1840, contains the largest collection of portraits of distin- guished individuals in the United States. Very few persons can visit this justly celebrated gallery, without seeing some of their friends or acquaintances. ---------------------------- BRADY'S NATIONAL COLLECTION OF DAGUERREO- types, 205 and 207 Broadway, corner of Fulton street. Stran- gers and citizens are respectfully invited to call and examine the specimens. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 02-05-96

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