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  The research archive of Gary W. Ewer regarding the history of the daguerreotype

On this day (March 10), the following texts appeared in their respective publications: - - - - - - - - In the "Scientific American" Vol. 10, No. 26 (10 March 1855) pg. 206 under the heading "List of Patent Claims": STEREOSCOPIC CASE.--John Stull, of Philadelphia Pa.: Having thus described the construction and operation of my invention, I proceed to state that I do not claim construct- ing a stereoscope case, with a single adjustable flap or sup- plementary lid within the case, as such invention has been made and used before in daguerreotype cases. But I claim constructing a stereoscopic case with the three jointed pieces, E E E, or their equivalents, so applied as to preserve at all times a perfect parallelism between that part of the case containing the lenses, and the part which con- tains the figures, so that a perfect stereoscope is formed of the whole, as described, and the two figures, B B, by binoc- ular vision are apparently formed into a solid figure, the whole being at the same time adapted to fold or close into a small flat case (resembling the common daguerreotype case) that may be conveniently carried about the person, if so re- quired, substantially as described. (This patent description, with illustration, is available on The Daguerreian Society web site at: http://www.daguerre.org/resource/texts/patents/stull.html ) * * * * * In the 10 March 1843 issue of the "Public Ledger" (Newfoundland): NOTICE Daguerreotype MESSERS VALENTINE & DOANE beg leave to call the attention of the inhabitants of St. John's and its vicinity, to an Art which has attained great celebrity and popularity in almost every city of Europe and America. They have completed an apartment fitted for the purposes of Daguerreotype Portraiture, and have made other improvements and arrangements, by means of which they are confident of producing pictures of exquisite beauty. The truth and high finish of Portraits by the Daguerreotype process, and the rapidity with which they are accomplished, render the Art deserving of universal attention, independently of its great value as a means of obtaining accurate LIKENESSES, as a comparatively small expense. The Daguerreotype Rooms, at the Golden Lion Inn, will be opened on MONDAY, at 10 o'Clock, and will remain open daily from 10 to 4 o'Clock. Persons unacquainted with the art, are respectfully invited to call at the Rooms, and examine Specimens. Portraits taken in any state of the weather. March 10 Cited from "Early Photography in Newfoundland" by Antonia McGrath at: http://www.delweb.com/nfmuseum/notes3.htm -------------------------------------------------------------- 03-10-98

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