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  The research archive of Gary W. Ewer regarding the history of the daguerreotype

On this day (June 1) in the year 1847, the following advertisements appeared in the "Salem Gazette" (vol. 66, No. 65): - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Daguerreotype Miniatures F O R O N E D O L L A R ! Competition the Life of Business. DAGUERREOTYPE MINIATURES taken for $1, and put in good Morocco Cases, in Kinsman's New Block, 146 Essex corner of Liberty street, over Wm. Archer's Jewelry store. Rooms always open for the exhibition of the collection of DAGUERREOTYPE MINIATURES, where Likenesses will be taken in the most approved style, in a few minutes, and set in Frames, Cases, Lockets, Pins, &c, &c. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine specimens at the rooms. Prices from $1 to $12. Tf june 1 ___________________ S A M U E L M A S U R Y , Has taken Rooms in Kinsman's New Building, (a few doors below the Post Office, on Essex street, Salem,) for the purpose of taking D a g u e r r e o t y p e M i n i a t u r e s in a NEW and ELEGANT STYLE, and of larger sizes than are generally taken. MINIATURES taken at this Gallery, are warrant- ed to give perfect satisfaction, and not to fade or change appearance in any way, or for any number of years. As many persons suppose that Daguerreotype Miniatures can be taken only in fair weather, I beg leave to say, that, by a recent discovery, I am prepared to take Miniatures in cloudy weather, and will warrant as good Pictures taken in cloudy, as in pleasant weather. Hours of Operation, for 9 o'clock, A.M. until 4 P.M. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call and examine my specimens. MINIATURES set in Cases, Lockets and Frames.-- Prices from $2.50 to $10.00. mch 9--epis S. MASURY ____________________ D A G U E R R E O T Y P E, FOR ONE DOLLAR. Daguerreotype Likenesses taken and colored and neatly put up in a handsome morocco case, for One Dollar, at No. 289 Essex street, one door west of Me- chanic Hall. April 13. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 06-01-96

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